美白亮肌精华 - 可换领之奖赏

含着名混合美白配方,为任何肌肤种类提供迅速及低敏感原的亮肌丶美白丶及均匀肤色功效,重点打击色斑丶黑色素丶及荷尔蒙斑,令肤色更均匀 主要成分 10% Copper Peptide (铜肽) 15% Gamma Poly Glutamic Acid (植物胶原蛋白) 2% Alpha Arbutin (α-熊果素) 0.5% Kojic Acid (曲酸) Licorice Extract (甘草精华) Acromaxyl™ GigaWhite™ MelFade®-J Tego® Cosmo-C 功效 「植物胶原蛋白」清除肌肤内积聚的黑色素,令肌肤透彻白滑。 美白激活配方: 「曲酸」丶「甘草精华」丶「α‐熊果素」丶Acromaxyl™丶 GigaWhite™丶MelFade®‐J丶Tego® Cosmo‐C ,能速效减退面部色素丶色斑丶及荷尔蒙斑。 「铜肽」能刺激细胞更新,改善肤色,令肌肤回复无瑕的细致嫩滑。 适合 任何肤质 成分 主要成分 碧卡医生(Dr.Loren Pickart)首次发现铜肽能重组皮肤内的蛋白质,协助细胞复原和更新,促进胶原蛋白增长,同时减退皮肤的过敏反应,对皱纹丶衰老丶痘痘,以及一切因紫外线和刺激性的美容疗程(如激光丶彩光丶换肤等)所引致的轻微伤痛,具特别显着的治疗功效。一项向 71 位女士进行的实验报告显示,铜肽能有效减少皱纹,而且增加皮肤的弹性和厚度,使其回复青春。 植物胶原蛋白是从日本纳豆提练而成,能有效刺激皮肤自然生长滋润因子,协助去除表面角质,令皮肤回复弹性润滑,同时减淡皱纹及色斑,皮肤因此变得更富光泽。 α-熊果素能阻止人体酪氨酸(Tyrosinase)的氧化,令皮肤黑色素无法形成。测试结果,80 位中国藉女士使用含 1% 熊果素的面霜约 1...
加进喜爱清单Promotes a rapid, effective, and hypoallergenic approach to skin brightening, lightening and to even skin tone for all skin types. Formulated with the most effective active ingredients for skin lightening and is proven to cure hyperpigmentation and to minimize dark spots, liver spots and discolorations.*
Main Ingredients
10% Copper Peptide
15% Gamma Poly Glutamic Acid
2% Alpha Arbutin
0.5% Kojic Acid
Licorice Extract
Tego® Cosmo-C
Gamma Poly Glutamic Acid promotes clearance of stagnant melanin to brighten skin.
Active skin lightening formula : Kojic Acid, Licorice Extract, Alpha Arbutin, Acromaxyl™, GigaWhite™, MelFade®-J, and Tego® Cosmo-C to effectively and rapidly cure hyperpigmentation, and to minimize dark spots, liver spots and discolorations.
Copper Peptide regenerates skin cells, refines complexion, leaving it spotless and velvety smooth.
Suitable For
All Skin Types
Main Ingredients
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Dr. Loren Pickart was the first to discover the benefits of Copper Peptide being able to restructure skin collagen, to facilitate cell healing and turnover, and to ease skin inflammation. Copper Peptide is proven to aid anti-aging, acne treatments, and in reversing damages caused by UV rays and photo-facial treatments. A clinical trial on 71 women shows that subjects noticed visible reduction in wrinkles with improved tonicity and elasticity. |
Gamma Poly Glutamic Acid is the ferment of Japanese Natto (Bacillus Natto) that contributes to skin exfoliation and hydration. It creates silky smooth skin texture with improved elasticity and moisture. It also diminishes wrinkles and pigment leaving skin brightened with youth. |
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Alpha Arbutin prevents Tyrosinase oxidation and thereby inhibits melanin formation. A study on 80 Chinese ladies each treated with 1% Alpha Arbutin for a period of 1 month, shows that skin lightening effect of Alpha Arbutin is much more superior than other whitening ingredients such as Kojic Acid, Beta Arbutin, and Hydroquinone. |
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Kojic Acid is derived from Asian mushrooms and functions to inhibit melanin formation in skin with visible skin lightening benefits. Kojic Acid is natural and mild to use, therefore it is highly recommended by most dermatologists espcially for patients who are allergic to traditional skin lighteners such as Hydroquinone. |
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In addition to being a natural antioxidant, Centella Asiatica also stimulates collagen synthesis and cell turnover to create young and resilient skin. |
Full Ingredients
Water, Gamma Polyglutamic Acid, Butyleneglycol, Copper Peptide, Bearberry Leaf Extract, Glycerin, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Dimethyl Isosorbide, Kigelia Africana Fruit Extract, Mallow Extract, Peppermint Leaf Extract, Butterweed Extract, Lady's Mantle Extract, Speedwell Extract, Rapeseed Extract, Alpha Arbutin, Licorice Extract, Melon Extract, Cucumber Flower Extract, Centella Asiatica, Phenoxyethanol, Kojic Acid, 1-Methylhydantoine-2-imide, Sodium Hyaluronate
Apply a few drops on dry skin twice daily, follow with Cellbone’s Hydration Gel and/or Moisturizer of your choice.
For external use only, avoid direct contact with eyes
Store in a cool, dark place
FREE Shipping With Minimum Purchase
We ship worldwide. Purchase up to the following amount to enjoy FREE SHIPPING.
Hong Kong : FREE
Macau : HK$500
Taiwan / China : HK$800
Singapore / Malaysia / Thailand / Indonesia / Phillippines / Cambodia / Vietnam / Brunei : HK$1,000
All Other Countries : HK$1,500
Shipping Time
Hong Kong : 1-2 working days
Macau : 4-7 working days
Taiwan : 6-10 working days
China : 3-15 working days
All Other Countries : 6-28 working days
Orders not qualified for free shipping shall be charged a shipping fee calculated based on shipment weight, you may estimate shipping fee on Shopping Cart Page.
Items in your order may be subject to taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country. The recipient of the shipment will be responsible for all such fees. Failure to settle such fees in time may result in return of shipment to sender. We shall not be held responsible for any charge incurred due to such return.
极致滋润性面膜,提供如精华液般的透薄细致滋养,结合「五胜肽」及胶原蛋白为肌肤带来即时的保湿及滋润功效,瞬间为肌肤注入源源不绝的水分,更可促进胶原蛋白制造,令肌肤皱纹乾纹减退,即时回复水润有弹性。 主要成份 5% Matrixyl® (五胜肽) Collagen (胶原蛋白) Vitamin B5 (维生素B5) Hyaluronic Acid (玻尿酸) 功效 为肌肤补充所需养分,提供深层锁水滋润及提升,令肌肤回复弹性丶紧致。...
有效提升收紧眼部肌肤,击退皱纹丶眼纹丶乾纹,提供高度保湿滋润,令眼部肌肤嫩滑紧致富弹性。 主要成份 10% Argireline® (六胜肽) 10% Matrixyl™3000 (四胜复合肽) 0.4% Idebenone (艾地苯) 功效 「四胜复合肽」收紧及提升肌肤,并能提升肌肤胶原蛋白制造,瞬间消灭皱纹,令肌肤紧致润滑。 「六胜肽」抑制肌肤肌肉收紧,显着减淡动态皱纹及改善松弛。 「艾地苯」能超卓地抵御空气中的游离基,并激发细胞活动,从而令皮肤回复青春,减退衰老痕迹。 ...
含知名Matrixyl®(五胜肽)丶Argireline®(六胜肽)及深海鱼类胶原,可有效令肌肤回复弹性紧致,同时减淡皱纹,配合Copper Peptide(铜肽)及积雪草精华,能促进肌肤胶原蛋白增生,令面部回复无瑕幼滑。 主要成分 Hyaluronic Acid(玻尿酸) 10% Matrixyl® (五胜肽) 10% Argireline® (六胜肽) 5% Marine Collagen (深海鱼类胶原)...
崭新活肤爽肤水针对打击痘痘丶黑头丶油脂粒丶及黑色素,有效调控油脂和水份平衡,并能促进细胞更新以抗衡衰老 - 以极低丶或甚至毫无刺激性的强效配方缔造洁净丶幼嫩丶及毛孔细致的无暇肤质。 主要成分 4% Mandelic Acid (杏仁酸) Willow Bark Extract (白柳树精华) Melon Extract (蜜瓜萃取)...
崭新的活肤精华能针对打击痘痘丶黑头丶油脂粒丶及黑色素,有效调控油脂和水份平衡,并能促进细胞更新以抗衡衰老 - 以极低丶或甚至毫无刺激性的强效配方去缔造洁净丶幼嫩丶及毛孔细致的无暇肤质。 主要成分 8% Mandelic Acid (杏仁酸) 4% Hydrogel (水凝胶) 2% Lactic Acid (乳酸)...