
活性肌肤柔滑精华有助于刺激新的皮肤细胞,甚至色素沉着,并促进肤色白皙,光滑,健康。先进的嫩肤配方,可在所有类型的皮肤上提亮肤色,甚至均匀肤色。 主要成分 Alpha / Beta果酸 Alpha熊果素 艾地苯醌 功效 使用12%的Alpha / Beta果酸,Alpha熊果素和艾地苯醌进行高级皮肤修复 通过治疗顽固的色素沉着,淡化和提亮皮肤 抑制并减少面部皱纹 疏松和分解死皮细胞,剥落皮肤上层 再生皮肤细胞并刺激胶原蛋白的生长 改善皮肤弹性和平衡水分含量 软化皮脂堵塞,使毛孔细化并防止进一步破裂 帮助加速受损组织的愈合并最大程度地减少疤痕 减少皮肤内的炎症 增加皮肤外层的天然屏障脂质 促进肤色健康,亮丽 适合 任何肤质 成分 详细成分 Water, Dimethyl Isosorbide, Glycolic Acid, Lactic Acid, Willow Bark Extract, Sodium Lactate, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Alpha Arbutin, Cucumber Flower Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Salicylic Acid, Centella Asiatica,...
加进喜爱清单Active Skin Smoother Serum promotes a rapid, effective, and hypoallergenic approach to skin brightening, lightening and to even skin tone for all skin types. Formulated with the most effective active ingredients for skin lightening and is proven to cure hyperpigmentation and to minimize dark spots, liver spots and discolorations.
Main Ingredients
Alpha/Beta Hydroxy Acid
Reduces the appearance of dark spots and discoloration.
Inhibits and reduces facial wrinkles.
Exfoliates dead skin cells.
Regenerates the skin cells and stimulate collagen production.
Improves skin elasticity and hydration.
Prevents breakouts.
Suitable For
All Skin Types
Full Ingredients
Water, Dimethyl Isosorbide, Glycolic Acid, Lactic Acid, Willow Bark Extract, Sodium Lactate, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Alpha Arbutin, Cucumber Flower Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Salicylic Acid, Centella Asiatica, Idebenone, Sodium Hyaluronate, Menthol
Apply a few drops on dry skin twice daily, follow with Cellbone’s Hydration Gel and/or Moisturizer of your choice. Use sunscreen.
For external use only, avoid direct contact with eyes
Store in a cool, dark place
FREE Shipping With Minimum Purchase
We ship worldwide. Purchase up to the following amount to enjoy FREE SHIPPING.
Hong Kong : FREE
Macau : HK$500
Taiwan / China : HK$800
Singapore / Malaysia / Thailand / Indonesia / Phillippines / Cambodia / Vietnam / Brunei : HK$1,000
All Other Countries : HK$1,500
Shipping Time
Hong Kong : 1-2 working days
Macau : 4-7 working days
Taiwan : 6-10 working days
China : 3-15 working days
All Other Countries : 6-28 working days
Orders not qualified for free shipping shall be charged a shipping fee calculated based on shipment weight, you may estimate shipping fee on Shopping Cart Page.
Items in your order may be subject to taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country. The recipient of the shipment will be responsible for all such fees. Failure to settle such fees in time may result in return of shipment to sender. We shall not be held responsible for any charge incurred due to such return.
注射剂的自然替代品 改善皮肤紧致度和水嫩度 360完美肌肤精华可以有效去除眼部和嘴部,额头,鼻唇沟和颈部周围形成的所有细纹和皱纹。初次使用时,它可以有效地在皮肤上显示出明显的平滑效果,效果即时可见,功效和效果持久。 主要成分 抗皱肽 Syn®-Ake Syn®-Tacks Syn®-Coll 棕榈酰五肽-3 紧肤活性成分 Inst'Tight™ Gatuline®Express AF ...
HK$775.00 HK$620.00
含着名混合美白配方,为任何肌肤种类提供迅速及低敏感原的亮肌丶美白丶及均匀肤色功效,重点打击色斑丶黑色素丶及荷尔蒙斑,令肤色更均匀 主要成分 10% Copper Peptide (铜肽) 15% Gamma Poly Glutamic Acid (植物胶原蛋白) 2% Alpha Arbutin...
HK$615.00 HK$492.00
含高效「玻尿酸」丶「铜肽」与「维生素B」,能为肌肤持久保湿锁水,同时抗氧化,抑止细胞损坏,减慢细胞老化,消除过敏反应,并修补受损细胞,对过敏肌肤丶痘痘丶或受光学美容疗程丶紫外线轻微损坏的肌肤有莫大功效。 主要成分 Hyaluronic Acid(玻尿酸) 15% Copper Peptide (铜肽) Vitamin B5 (维生素B5) 功效 舒缓因肌肤敏感丶光学美容疗程丶痘痘丶或紫外线所引致的红肿及创伤。 「铜肽」配合「维生素B5」可促进修复肌肤组织,令肌肤创伤愈合,并减退过敏反应。 抵御游离基的伤害,同时刺激胶原蛋白增生,有效制止衰老形成。...
采用纳米科技,让皮肤迅速吸收强效「铜肽」成份,能为肌肤抗氧化,并抑止细胞损坏,减慢细胞老化,消除过敏反应,同时修补受损细胞,对过敏肌肤丶痘痘丶或受光学美容疗程丶紫外线轻微损坏的肌肤有莫大功效。 主要成分15% Nanosome Copper Peptide (纳米铜肽)Centella Asiatica (积雪草精华) 功效纳米科技让「铜肽」彻底渗透肌肤底层,有效促进修复肌肤组织,令肌肤创伤愈合,并减退过敏反应。「积雪草精华」协助更新细胞。抵御游离基的伤害,同时刺激胶原蛋白增生,有效制止衰老形成。 适合任何肤质 成分 主要成分 碧卡医生(Dr.Loren Pickart)首次发现铜肽能重组皮肤内的蛋白质,协助细胞复原和更新,促进胶原蛋白增长,同时减退皮肤的过敏反应,对皱纹丶衰老丶痘痘,以及一切因紫外线和刺激性的美容疗程(如激光丶彩光丶换肤等)所引致的轻微伤痛,具特别显着的治疗功效。一项向 71...
蕴含获奖成分「活性葡萄多酚」,能减退肌肤过敏反应,令肤色更亮泽均匀,同时具淡斑功效,配合多种高浓度强效活性成分,快速促进胶原蛋白的合成,减退皱纹及扭转松弛肌肤,打造更紧致的新生嫩肌。 主要成分 5% Metabiotics® Resveratrol (活性葡萄多酚) 20% Nanosome Matrixyl® (纳米五胜肽) 4% SYN®-COLL (三胜肽-5) 2% Human...