
提供多种重要养分,令肌肤可於晚间得到全面的营养修护,同时补给「奥米加三脂肪酸」的极致滋润,面部乾纹获即时改善,并刺激细胞更生,促进修复及代谢机能,能有效对抗衰老形成,肌肤自然变得健康润泽。 主要成分 4% Caviar Extract (鱼籽精华) Multi‐Vitamins A,B,C,E Complex (维生素 A丶B丶C丶E 复合物) 功效 「印加银曲树精华油」提供高浓度「奥米加三脂肪酸」(Omega‐3 Fatty Acid),能瞬间消灭乾敏,增强面部光采。 采用最先进美容科技,令养分渗透肌肤深层,能有效促进细胞代谢更新。 提供高度保湿及锁水滋润以修复疲倦肌肤,令其重获青春润滑。 适合 中性 / 乾性肌肤 成分 主要成分 印加银曲树精华油含94%高浓度奥米加三脂肪酸(Omega‐3),具控制水份流失的作用,能有效保持皮肤高度滋润,可瞬间泵涨乾纹。 维生素B5是皮肤下的锁水因子,协助新陈代谢,并调理贺尔蒙分泌。充足的维生素B5可保持头发和皮肤健康亮泽,而且具抗御细菌的功用,减低痘痘形成。 详细成分 Aloe Vera Juice, Glycerin, Inca Inchi Oil, Avocado Oil, DMAE, Emulsifying Wax, Alpha Tocopherol, Caviar Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, Retinol Palmitate, Niacinamide,...
加进喜爱清单Specially formulated to moisturize, rejuvenate and nourish skin by replenishing essential nutrients during nighttime. Our most advanced skincare technology enables the vital nutrients to penetrate deeply into skin layer and facilitate metabolism of skin cells.
Main Ingredients
4% Caviar Extract
Multi‐Vitamins A, B, C, E Complex
Inca Inchi Oil enriched with Omega-3 Fatty Acid for plumping up dry lines and boosting overall radiance.
Most advanced skincare technology enables vital nutrients to penetrate deeply into skin layer and facilitate metabolism of skin cells.
Hydrates skin, seals in moisture, repairs tiredness and keeps skin looking young and velvety.
Suitable For
Normal / Dry Skin
Main Ingredients
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Inca Inchi Oil contains 94% high potency of Omega-3 fatty acids which functions to retain water and to keep skin moisturized. Fine lines are visibly plumped up with skin becomes soft and supple after use. |
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Vitamin B5 is a moisture-binding factor in skin to aid in cells metabolism, and to regulate hormonal balance. Sufficient Vitamin B5 offers luminous hair and skin, and also reduces acne through protection against bacterial infection. |
Full Ingredients
Aloe Vera Juice, Glycerin, Inca Inchi Oil, Avocado Oil, DMAE, Emulsifying Wax, Alpha Tocopherol, Caviar Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, Retinol Palmitate, Niacinamide, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Rosehip Seed Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Tamanu Oil, Rosemary Oleoresin, Xanthan Gum, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Tetrasodium EDTA, Fragrance
Apply on clean, dry skin daily at night time after using Cellbone’s Serum and/or Hydration Gel of your choice.
For external use only, avoid direct contact with eyes
Store in a cool, dark place
FREE Shipping With Minimum Purchase
We ship worldwide. Purchase up to the following amount to enjoy FREE SHIPPING.
Hong Kong : FREE
Macau : HK$500
Taiwan / China : HK$800
Singapore / Malaysia / Thailand / Indonesia / Phillippines / Cambodia / Vietnam / Brunei : HK$1,000
All Other Countries : HK$1,500
Shipping Time
Hong Kong : 1-2 working days
Macau : 4-7 working days
Taiwan : 6-10 working days
China : 3-15 working days
All Other Countries : 6-28 working days
Orders not qualified for free shipping shall be charged a shipping fee calculated based on shipment weight, you may estimate shipping fee on Shopping Cart Page.
Items in your order may be subject to taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country. The recipient of the shipment will be responsible for all such fees. Failure to settle such fees in time may result in return of shipment to sender. We shall not be held responsible for any charge incurred due to such return.
含高浓度胶原蛋白丶透明质酸丶及收紧滋润配方,为肌肤提供保湿及紧致的润泽修护。100%纯胶原蛋白粒子细小,可极速渗透毛孔,肌肤深层即时达到保湿滋润的效果。 主要成份 10% SNAP-8 (八胜肽) 10% Pure Collagen (纯胶原蛋白) 5% Matrixyl® (五胜肽) Centella Asiatica (积雪草精华)...
极致滋润性面膜,提供如精华液般的透薄细致滋养,结合「五胜肽」及胶原蛋白为肌肤带来即时的保湿及滋润功效,瞬间为肌肤注入源源不绝的水分,更可促进胶原蛋白制造,令肌肤皱纹乾纹减退,即时回复水润有弹性。 主要成份 5% Matrixyl® (五胜肽) Collagen (胶原蛋白) Vitamin B5 (维生素B5) Hyaluronic Acid (玻尿酸) 功效 为肌肤补充所需养分,提供深层锁水滋润及提升,令肌肤回复弹性丶紧致。...
质感水润,容易被眼部肌肤所吸收,能以胶原肽为眼部肌肤渗入最微细的胶原蛋白粒子,为脆弱的眼部深层肌肤带来水润丶紧致的显着效果,更可有效改善黑眼圈丶双眼浮肿丶水肿问题及平伏眼周皱纹细纹等,令双眼四周肌肤重拾弹性饱满丶娇嫩细致。 主要成份 2% Collagen Peptide (胶原肽) 10% Matrixyl® (五胜肽) Centella Asiatica (积雪草精华) Cucmber Extract (青瓜萃取)...
有效提升收紧眼部肌肤,击退皱纹丶眼纹丶乾纹,提供高度保湿滋润,令眼部肌肤嫩滑紧致富弹性。 主要成份10% Argireline® (六胜肽)10% Matrixyl™3000 (四胜复合肽)0.4% Idebenone (艾地苯) 功效「四胜复合肽」收紧及提升肌肤,并能提升肌肤胶原蛋白制造,瞬间消灭皱纹,令肌肤紧致润滑。「六胜肽」抑制肌肤肌肉收紧,显着减淡动态皱纹及改善松弛。「艾地苯」能超卓地抵御空气中的游离基,并激发细胞活动,从而令皮肤回复青春,减退衰老痕迹。 适合任何肤质 成份 主要成份 Matrixyl™3000 是第二代的 Matrixyl®,同样可有效对抗皱纹及衰老。一项为...
含知名Eyeliss™ 配方,针对消除眼部浮肿及眼袋问题,为肌肤提供收紧及锁水滋润功效,令双眼回复青春亮丽。 主要成份10% Matrixyl™3000 (四胜复合肽)5% Eyeliss™0.4% Idebenone (艾地苯) 功效知名医学美容配方 ‐ Eyeliss™,能促进眼部淋巴流通,减低血管破损,收紧眼部幼嫩肌肤,以防止眼下液体积聚,令眼袋无法形成。「四胜复合肽」收紧及提升肌肤,并能提升肌肤胶原蛋白制造,瞬间消灭皱纹,令肌肤紧致润滑。「艾地苯」能超卓地抵御空气中的游离基,并激发细胞活动,从而令皮肤回复青春,减退衰老痕迹。 适合任何肤质 成份 主要成份 Eyeliss™针对改善双眼浮肿和眼袋的问题,能促进眼部血液流通,防止水肿,并收紧眼部肌肤。眼袋的形成是因为淋巴不流通丶血管脆弱丶和眼部肌肤松弛,令眼下水份积聚所引致。Eyeliss™能有效减低血管的渗透度,促进淋巴排水,同时收紧眼部肌肤,使眼袋逐渐消退。...
抵抗衰老形成,击退乾纹及增强肌肤弹性,更可清除黑色素积聚,并改善肌肤细密度,为肌肤添加幼细嫩滑的滋润保护。葡糖基橙皮苷更能改善血液循环,可有效减退黑眼圈,并扭转眼部的劳损及疲倦痕迹。 主要成分 Hyaluronic Acid (玻尿酸) Lactic Calcium (日本乳酸钙) Vitamin K2 (维生素 K2) Gamma Poly Glutamic...
蓝光防御眼霜保护和修复皮肤, 免受太阳和人造蓝光的伤害,还可以减少眼周皱纹和细纹,同时减少黑眼圈和浮肿的出现。 功效 抵抗自由基白天对皮肤造成伤害。 使用电子设备时,保护皮肤免受蓝光引起的氧化应激。 明显减少黑眼圈和眼部浮肿。 重新定义眼部轮廓。 減少紅腫,防止色素沉著。 适合 任何肌肤 成份 Aloe Vera Leaf Juice,...
HK$705.00 HK$599.30