
强效细胞更新抗皱嫩滑配方,能净嫩肤质,促进肌肤代谢,有效抚平油脂暗粒,收紧粗大毛孔,防止痘痘黑头形成,同时消灭皱纹及乾纹,添加维生素滋养修护,令肌肤重拾无瑕幼细质感。 主要成分0.25% Retinol (维生素A醇)Vitamin F (维生素F)Vitamin E (维生素E) 功效医学实证「维生素A醇」能更新肌肤细胞,抚平幼纹,去除多馀角质阻隔,平衡油脂分泌,快速改善暗粒及痘痘黑头,毛孔逐渐收细,同时促进胶原制造,令肌肤回复细致光滑。「维生素F」提供高度保湿滋润及修护,让肌肤柔软亮泽,饱满弹性。「维生素E」是天然抗氧化物,能为肌肤抵御游离基的伤害,并促进细胞修复,令肌肤回复年青健康。 适合任何肤 (敏感肌肤除外) 成分 主要成分 维生素A醇是维生素A的一种,可以帮助角质层新陈代谢正常化,从而使角质层变得更厚,以达到增加角质层保护作用和储水能力的效果,此外还可以促进真皮层胶原蛋白的合成,对抗衰老。其去除多馀角质的功效,能畅通毛孔丶改善油脂分泌,令痘痘及油脂粒得到改善。由於可帮助角质层代谢正常化,所以对减少黑头和白头亦有一定效果,也有利於色素的减淡,对收细毛孔丶抚平皱纹亦有着显着的功效。 详细成分Cyclomethicone, Dimethiconol, Ethylhexyl Cocoate, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil, Retinol, Lecithin, Glycolipids, Glyceryl Lionleate, Glyceryl Lionolenate (Vitamin F), Tocophery Acetate (Vitamin E), Phenoxyethanol 使用方法 使用方法每星期2-3次於晚上涂於乾爽的面上,并让它完全渗透,然後使用Cellbone的保湿啫喱及/或滋润面霜。 注意事项使用此产品後可能出现轻微刺热丶脱皮丶及/或泛红状况,此乃正常反应并会随着肌肤逐渐适应而消除,如情况持续请停止使用请尽量避免触及眼睛请把此产品储存在阴凉和黑暗的地方,避免直接受阳光照射
加进喜爱清单To invigorate and revitalize skin by clarifying complexion and promoting cellular turnover. Easily attain sublime and flawless skin with remarkable reduction of comedogens, blackheads, acnes, and fine lines. Skin is gradually smoothened and refined with pores much less visible.
Main Ingredients
0.25% Retinol
Retinol is clinically proven to rejuvenate skin cells, exhilarate collagen synthesis, unclog pores and to maintain skin’s oil balance with comedogens, blackheads, and acnes. considerably improved, resulting in sublime and flawless skin free of visible pores and fine lines.
Vitamin F offers intensive nourishment and hydration to create soft, resilient, and glowing skin.
Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant to protect against free radicals and to promote cell repair for youthful and healthy skin.
Suitable For
All Skin Types (Except Sensitive Skin)
Main Ingredients
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Retinol is a Vitamin A derivative that stimulates cellular turnover for thicker and healthier epidermis to protect skin from dehydration. Retinol also provides anti-aging benefits by promoting collagen production. Its ability to exfoliate, to unclog pores, and to balance oil production all contribute to reduction of acnes, comedogens, and blackheads. Pigments are improved with pores and fine lines muc less visible. |
Full Ingredients
Cyclomethicone, Dimethiconol, Ethylhexyl Cocoate, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil, Retinol, Lecithin, Glycolipids, Glyceryl Lionleate, Glyceryl Lionolenate (Vitamin F), Tocophery Acetate (Vitamin E), Phenoxyethanol
Apply on clean, dry skin 2-3 times each week during night time, follow with Cellbone’s Hydration Gel and/or Moisturizer of your choice.
You may experience slight tingling sensation, light flaking, and/or mild redness after using this product. These conditions are normal and will diminish with time. Stop using if these conditions persist
For external use only, avoid direct contact with eyes
Store in a cool, dark place
FREE Shipping With Minimum Purchase
We ship worldwide. Purchase up to the following amount to enjoy FREE SHIPPING.
Hong Kong : FREE
Macau : HK$500
Taiwan / China : HK$800
Singapore / Malaysia / Thailand / Indonesia / Phillippines / Cambodia / Vietnam / Brunei : HK$1,000
All Other Countries : HK$1,500
Shipping Time
Hong Kong : 1-2 working days
Macau : 4-7 working days
Taiwan : 6-10 working days
China : 3-15 working days
All Other Countries : 6-28 working days
Orders not qualified for free shipping shall be charged a shipping fee calculated based on shipment weight, you may estimate shipping fee on Shopping Cart Page.
Items in your order may be subject to taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country. The recipient of the shipment will be responsible for all such fees. Failure to settle such fees in time may result in return of shipment to sender. We shall not be held responsible for any charge incurred due to such return.
注射剂的自然替代品 改善皮肤紧致度和水嫩度 360完美肌肤精华可以有效去除眼部和嘴部,额头,鼻唇沟和颈部周围形成的所有细纹和皱纹。初次使用时,它可以有效地在皮肤上显示出明显的平滑效果,效果即时可见,功效和效果持久。 主要成分 抗皱肽 Syn®-Ake Syn®-Tacks Syn®-Coll 棕榈酰五肽-3 紧肤活性成分 Inst'Tight™ Gatuline®Express AF ...
HK$775.00 HK$620.00
含着名混合美白配方,为任何肌肤种类提供迅速及低敏感原的亮肌丶美白丶及均匀肤色功效,重点打击色斑丶黑色素丶及荷尔蒙斑,令肤色更均匀 主要成分 10% Copper Peptide (铜肽) 15% Gamma Poly Glutamic Acid (植物胶原蛋白) 2% Alpha Arbutin...
HK$615.00 HK$492.00
活性肌肤柔滑精华有助于刺激新的皮肤细胞,甚至色素沉着,并促进肤色白皙,光滑,健康。先进的嫩肤配方,可在所有类型的皮肤上提亮肤色,甚至均匀肤色。 主要成分 Alpha / Beta果酸 Alpha熊果素 艾地苯醌 功效 使用12%的Alpha / Beta果酸,Alpha熊果素和艾地苯醌进行高级皮肤修复 通过治疗顽固的色素沉着,淡化和提亮皮肤 抑制并减少面部皱纹 疏松和分解死皮细胞,剥落皮肤上层 再生皮肤细胞并刺激胶原蛋白的生长...
HK$615.00 HK$522.80
采用密封式单次用量胶囊设计,内里蕴含浓郁顺滑配方,能显着消除动态皱纹,收紧面部轮廓,令肌肤光嫩紧致,完美顺滑,能显着减淡动态皱纹及改善松弛,有效修饰面部轮廓。 主要成分10% Argireline® (六胜肽) 功效「六胜肽」抑制肌肤肌肉收紧,显着减淡动态皱纹及改善松弛,有效修饰面部轮廓。浓郁顺滑精华液密封於单次用量胶囊,使用上简便卫生。 适合任何肤质 成分 主要成分 Argireline®被誉为是「BOTOX®以外」最佳的外用去皱配方,能有效令皮肤的表情纹减退,它仿效 BOTOX®的原理,阻止神经组织收紧肌肉,使皮肤处放松状态,减轻表情皱纹的形成。 临床实验结果显示,30天持续使用10%浓度的 Argireline®,可减少皱纹深度达 30%。 详细成分Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethicone...
采用特别强效配方,科技证实能为有明显衰老丶色斑丶及肤色不均的问题肌肤提供抗氧化及均匀肤色的作用,同时抵御紫外线及环境污染的侵袭,更能刺激胶原蛋白生,对减退皱纹丶色斑丶及衰老有明显功效。 主要成分 20% L‐Ascorbic Acid (左旋维生素C) 0.5% Alpha‐Tocopherol (维生素E) 0.5% Idebenone (艾地苯) 功效 特别强效配方适合有明显衰老丶色斑丶及肤色不均的问题肌肤。 为肌肤预防衰老形成。...
HK$705.00 HK$564.00
含高浓度胶原蛋白丶透明质酸丶及收紧滋润配方,为肌肤提供保湿及紧致的润泽修护。100%纯胶原蛋白粒子细小,可极速渗透毛孔,肌肤深层即时达到保湿滋润的效果。 主要成份 10% SNAP-8 (八胜肽) 10% Pure Collagen (纯胶原蛋白) 5% Matrixyl® (五胜肽) Centella Asiatica (积雪草精华)...
质感水润,容易被眼部肌肤所吸收,能以胶原肽为眼部肌肤渗入最微细的胶原蛋白粒子,为脆弱的眼部深层肌肤带来水润丶紧致的显着效果,更可有效改善黑眼圈丶双眼浮肿丶水肿问题及平伏眼周皱纹细纹等,令双眼四周肌肤重拾弹性饱满丶娇嫩细致。 主要成份 2% Collagen Peptide (胶原肽) 10% Matrixyl® (五胜肽) Centella Asiatica (积雪草精华) Cucmber Extract (青瓜萃取)...